Home > Selling Gun Collections in Massachusetts Can Be Difficult, But There Is An Easier Way

Selling Gun Collections in Massachusetts Can Be Difficult, But There Is An Easier Way

While Massachusetts is home to firearms manufacturer Smith & Wesson, selling a gun collection in the state is complicated because it has some of the nation’s strictest laws when it comes to buying and selling guns. 

How do you sell a gun collection in Massachusetts?

If you are from Massachusetts and want to sell your gun collection, CT Firearms Auction can help. CT Firearms Auction has a Federal Firearms License to buy and sell handguns and long guns, so we know how to follow Massachusetts and federal laws. We have extensive experience in buying gun collections from private collections and estates throughout the country. We are interested in talking to anyone selling gun collections in Massachusetts.

Be aware of strict State & federal laws

The state of Massachusetts requires anyone who inherits, sells, transfers or loses a firearm to report it to the Department of Criminal Justice Information Services Firearms Records Bureau.

Gun owners in Massachusetts must have a valid Firearm Identification Card (FID) to buy, sell, or own guns. The FID serves as a Massachusetts gun license and state gun permit. To obtain a FID, you must submit paperwork, including references, and be photographed, fingerprinted and interviewed.

Federal background checks are required in all gun sales in Massachusetts. Anyone looking to purchase a gun in Massachusetts must first apply to the local police chief for a renewable license. Even if the applicant passes the federal background check, the police chief can deny a license if, based on reliable information, he or she deems the applicant a risk to public safety or to themselves.

There are even strict laws for transferring guns within families. Even if your father gives you a gun, he has to make sure you have a firearm license and that the transfer of the gun is recorded in the state database — or risk serious legal troubles.

The law does not require firearm registration in Massachusetts, but gun transfers must enter into the record with the States Executive Office of Safety and Security (EOPSS). 

For in-state sales, the seller is responsible for contacting EOPSS. For out-of-state gun sales, the buyer is responsible for contacting EOPSS to complete the transfer of ownership. 

There is an easier way

Those laws are why inheriting a gun collection as part of an estate can be overwhelming in Massachusetts. CT Firearms Auction can guide you through the process of selling the collection.

Auctions often are the best place to sell inherited firearms. Gun collectors come to auctions, looking for rare, interesting and valuable firearms. Many firearms sold at auction are part of an inheritance or personal collection. 

Firearm auctions enable sellers to get the best price for their guns. Instead of haggling with the retail dealer, auction houses appraise the value for a starting bid. From there, is worth whatever a collector is willing to pay. Auction houses take a simple commission. Beware of hidden fees. 

If you are interested in selling your gun collection in Massachusetts, please contact the experts at CT Firearms Auction.

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Home > Selling Gun Collections in Massachusetts Can Be Difficult, But There Is An Easier Way
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