Description Colt 1851 Navy percussion revolver chambered in .36 caliber. This cased pistol with serial number 10595 features a 7-1/2″ octagon barrel marked “-ADDRESS SAML COLT NEW YORK CITY-“. The numbers all match including the barrel, frame, cylinder, trigger guard, grip frame, wedge and the loading lever. Included is a period, velvet lined case with powder flask bullet mold and an assortment of lead bullets and ball. Antique, Ships direct to buyers home.
Condition: Antique Very Good with all original and matching parts and very little original finish remaining. There is evidence of cleaning. The bore is shiny with sharp rifling. The naval engagement cylinder scene is very good still showing sharp ship details and and the roll mark “COLTS PATENT No” followed by the matching serial number. The action functions properly with just a little wiggle in the cylinder.
Barrel Length: 7-1/2″
Serial: 10595
Manufacturer: Colt
Year: 1852
Caliber: .36
Model: Navy